Sunday, August 26, 2012


I am back home tonight, and I had a nice view of the Moon.  Here is what I saw.

This picture of the waxing Moon was taken on Sunday, August 26, 2012 at 8:10pm in Moody.  I was able to go out my back door tonight and down to an adjacent street to see the Moon.  There were no clouds around.  I did see some stars, but none of them were close to the Moon.

On a sad note, I learned today that Neil Armstrong passed away yesterday. He was the first man to ever land and set foot on the Moon back in 1969.  I thought about him tonight as I was looking up at the Moon.  It was a bittersweet moment.  My great uncle was a friend of Buzz Aldrin (co-pilot to Neil Armstrong and the second man to walk on the Moon).  My uncle had the highest respect for Buzz Aldrin who in turn always spoke highly of Neil Armstrong and his character.  We have lost an American icon and true hero.

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