Friday, September 14, 2012

Last One

I spotted this morning's Moon immediately when I stepped outside.  Here is what I saw.

This picture was taken on Friday, September 14, 2012 from the deck on the back porch of my house in Moody at 5:15am.  In the black sky, this tiny sliver jumped right out at me.  I observed it as being bright white in color and believe that the flash from my camera is giving it the red color that you see here.  This is a view of the Moon giving off its smallest illumination.  Tomorrow will be the New Moon with no illumination. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Check It Out

This morning I saw the Moon after several attempts as I waited for the clouds to disperse.  Here is what I saw.

I took this picture on Thursday, September 13, 2012 from the deck on the back of my house in Moody at 5:05am.  This sliver represents one of the last days of the waning Moon before it reaches the New Moon Phase where there will be no illumination.  There were clouds all around the Moon this morning, but eventually I was able to get a good picture.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Got It

After searching for about an hour, I finally got a picture of the Moon.  Here it is.

This picture was taken on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 from the deck on the back of my house in Moody at 5:35am.  It is a very cloudy morning with limited visibility in the sky.  The Moon is crescent shaped and continues to wane.  I caught a break in the clouds and was able to get a clear view of the Moon.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Few Clouds

Finding the Moon this morning proved a little more challenging that I thought it would be.  Here is what I saw.

This picture was taken on Tuesday, September 11, 2012 from the deck on the back of my house in Moody at 4:30am.  There were some clouds in the sky, and I had to wait a few minutes to get a good shot.  The waning Moon was buried in that sea of clouds, but it was still pretty to see.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Right There

When checking for the Moon tonight, I found it immediately.  It was right there in the sky.  Here is what I saw.

This picture was taken on Monday, September 10, 2012 from the deck on the back of my house in Moody at 2:10am.  It is a clear night with not a cloud in sight.  The only thing to see is the Moon and a few stars and planets in the very far off distance.  The Moon continues to wane in illumination.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Crystal Clear

It is a crystal clear night making viewing the Moon very easy.  Here is what I saw.

I took this picture on Sunday, September 9, 2012 from the deck on the back of my house in Moody at 12:45am.  There were no clouds in sight, and I had a perfect view.  The Moon looks as if someone has taken a bite out of it.  It is pretty though.  The illumination is continuing to decrease as the Moon moves toward the New Moon phase later this week.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

There It Was

After several attempts to see the Moon, I was finally able to get a decent picture.  I watched the Moon gradually rise, and while I could see it behind a bunch of clouds, there was no way to get a good picture.  And then, all of a sudden.....there it was!!  Here is what I saw.

I took this picture on Saturday, September 8, 2012 from the deck on the back of  my house in Moody at 12:30am.  The Moon was surrounded by clouds but was clearly visible.  Tonight, we are able to see the Last Quarter Moon as it continues to wane giving less and less illumination.